Thursday, 17 May 2012

Day 31 of my working holiday life

Wow... Today is my one month anniversary in OZ! I have been here for a month! I have changed 3 jobs in 2 weeks time! hehe... and now so called settle down.

The life in OZ is kind of relaxing (boring ;p). Shopping malls are closed after 5.30pm on weekday and closed on Sunday. Sometimes just wondering what should I do if I don't work on Sunday?!! But I do like the lifestyle here, Slow and steady!

It's time for me to slow down and enjoy the life! Hope everything goes well in months ahead!

p/s: Happy 1 month Anniversary!

Monday, 14 May 2012

Day 28 of my working holiday life

I am having sorethroat and fever since this morning. But I have to take half day off and go for another interview. The restaurant is newly opened and it's very near to my house (walking distance). It's opened by a malaysian.

After 2 hours of training, they decided to hire me. The pay per hour is slightly higher than the current one but the only thing is that the working hour is lesser. After much thought, i have decided to quit the other one. I know there is a risk to take up this new job as the business of the restaurant is not so stable at the moment. They might reduce my working hour anytime. But there is always a pro and cons. So just be positive!

I have gotten my first OZ salary! ^-^ Finally...

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Day 27 of my working holiday life

Happy Mother's Day! I miss my mum and my two brothers. They have celebrated Mother's Day 2 days ago. They gave me a call after celebrating with mum! This is the 2nd time i missed the celebration. The last time was 6 years back when i was in Hong Kong.

Today my restaurant was fulled with booking since afternoon. It was damn freaking busy. I feel like my legs are not belonged to me anymore. I have worked for more than 35 hours this week (no day off). I really a rest after this.

If everything goes well tomorrow then i am going to change! ;p

I wana dedicated this song to my mother and others as well. Happy Mother's Day!


Friday, 11 May 2012

Day 25 of my working holiday life





Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Day 23 of my working holiday life


我的脚真的超酸!我想我真的好久好久,没试过连续站了这么多天,这么多小时了!老板第一天是还问我要做多吗,我还答说,可以啊, 我想做7天也没问题吧!看来,可真要认真考虑了!(不知量力的我 ;p)

一个经验丰富的香港同事还说等我的时间表安排好了后,就把我介绍去一间他朋友的点心楼去做part time。 我想到时才决定接还是不接吧!

这几天还打算去派CV, 看有没有机会找更‘好’的工作!

p/s: 在回家的路上,都会抬头看一看天上。布满星星的天空,真的好美!

Monday, 7 May 2012

Day 21 of my working holiday life

Today is my first day to work as a waitress in a Chinese restaurant. Waitress - I have never thought about it in my life! My boss is from China and he is a nice boss (as of today ;p). He requested his staff to be very alert to the needs of a customer. My shifts are from 11am-2.30pm and 5 to 8pm. So basically I have 2.5 hours of break. I can't go back cause the bus fare is expensive. Am still figuring what can I do during the break.

We really have to act fast during the peak hours. Serve the customer, clean the table, deliver the dishes and even to make a very simple chicken rice and sizzling toufu (chicken and toufu has been prepared by the chef). My hands were scalded by the sizzling plate. ;( I have to learn the name of all the dishes also. Anyway, I believe practice makes perfect. Gambateh!

p/s: The weather in Perth is getting colder. Can't really stand the cold while the wind is blowing!

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Day 20 of my working holiday life




好事一:今天试工成功!我要做侍应生啦!这工钱和洗车的工钱差不多一样(少, 哈哈),可是因为还算靠近家的,所以就决定接啦!可是中间有2.5小时的休息,还不知道要做什么呢!希望之后可以再找一份工钱高一点的!

p/s: 加油咯!

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Day 19 of my working holiday life



p/s: 真想用相机把这良辰美景拍出来!可惜我的相机没这么厉害!所以只能把它深深的烙印在我的脑海里!
