Wednesday 29 February 2012

My first cash & carry deal

Today I have bought a 2nd hand netbook through ! I was a bit nervous as this was my first cash & carry deal. It's a HP mini 100 netbook that have been used for 1 year plus and the price is RM550 (Original Price is around RM1100).

After calling the seller, My collegues and I went to Kepong to see him & 'exam' the netbook. Suprisingly the netbook is in a good condition. Thus I have decided to buy it and the seller give us 1 week to test the netbook.

Hopefully it won't give me any problem!

P/S: I feel excited when the deal is ON! haha... So 'kampung lady'!

Monday 20 February 2012

Another step to go reaching and fulfilling my dream

Finally I have decided the date to tender my resignation letter! It took me some time to decide when to tender. It's actually a tough job although this is not the first time. Thus I have to choose a right place, right time and right mood (must make sure my lady boss is in good mood to make my life easier) to submit the letter.

I submitted the letter before my annual review. I told her my reason of leaving. She said she has to let me go if it's for my own good! She told me what's her plan about my future in the organisation so that I can reconsider to stay on with the organisation! But deep inside my heart, haha... ~ For those who knows my story, you will definitely laugh when i say this!

Anyway, she requested me to stay until end of March as we have another event in March 29. I still haven't decided cause I have too many things to prepare before the trip!

p/s: I do feel a little bit of sad when I submit the letter! 2 years plus... Anyway, it's time to move on, Babe!

Friday 17 February 2012


虽然对某些即将发生的事已有心里准备,可是当必须面对它时,心里难免会忐忑不安! 虽然对即将离开某些人已有心里准备,可是当必须真正离开他们时,心里难免会不舍!

Thursday 16 February 2012



现在这个时刻,我好像什么东西也还没准备! 妈妈比我还要担心!因为我从未离开她超过一个月-而且还是去这么远的地方! 不过她却给了我百分百的支持!(口头一直说:‘辛苦就快快回来,就当去那儿旅行2,3个星期就好了’!)哈哈! 看来,养儿99,常忧100!孩子们在父母的眼中永远都长不大!
