Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Day 190 of my working holiday life

Time really flies... i have been staying in Perth for about 6 months! Unbelievable huh... ><

Recently, i kept thinking about 'To stay' or 'to move on'. I wanted very much to celebrate new year eve in Sydney! But my boss asked me to stay during that period and i can work longer hours. In another words, i can earn more. Dilemma... i want to earn more for my next trip, but at the same time i dont feel like missing the chance to watch the fireworks in Sydney! What am i supposed to do?!!!

I think i have stayed enough in Perth! It's time to move on as backpacker again! Right?!!!


最近一直在思考到底该留还是走!本来打算,在悉尼过2013.01.01... 可是餐厅却在那时候缺人用,他们说会让我做长时间,赚多一点。我既想赚对一点旅费,可是也不想错失悉尼的烟花!真不知该如何取舍!


Ps: sunset in perth

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Day 184 of my working holiday life


