Tuesday, 26 June 2012

New Blog @ wordpress

Dear Friends, I am having problem uploading picture in this blog since last month. Thus I have decided to change to other blog. Please follow me at http://chaychin.wordpress.com/

Thank you & see ya!

Day 67 of my working holiday life

My workplace is closed on every fortnight. Hence we decided to organise a BBQ at Kings Park.  We used the tips that given by customers. Wow... We have collected around AUD140 since opening of the restaurant (about 5 weeks only). This show how good is our service! *wink* *wink*

[caption id="attachment_160" align="aligncenter" width="300"] food & drinks for BBQ[/caption]

We headed to the destination at around 3pm after buying the food at Coles in Carousel Westfield. Fortunately, the weather was pretty good (cloudy & cool)!

[caption id="attachment_162" align="aligncenter" width="200"]Chay's Blog Time to BBQ~![/caption]

Chay's Blog

[caption id="attachment_168" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Chay's Blog Group photo with my colleagues![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_166" align="aligncenter" width="200"]Chay's Blog Crazy-ing time![/caption]

Chay's Blog

We went to Karaoke after the BBQ session. It has been planned for weeks ago! I think this karaoke session will be the most expensive that I have been so far. 15 AUD per person (2 hours) shhhh....

[caption id="attachment_169" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Chay's Blog Karaoke session @ Redbox Vic Park[/caption]

Monday, 11 June 2012

Day 55 of my working holiday life

I have woken up by the strong winter wind this morning. Luckily I am not working this morning... If not, I think I gonna 'Fly with the wind'. haha... It has continued for few hours!


p/s: Cook one of my favourite dishes in Malaysia. Taste not bad but if compared to Amcorp Mall one, then it's not up to my expectation! ;)

[caption id="attachment_189" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Chay's Blog Korean BBQ Chicken ^-^[/caption]



Thursday, 7 June 2012

Day 51 of my working holiday life

My housemates and I went to Conca's Pizza Bar & Cafe for dinner. It is a neat little place runs by Italians. They are famous for Chilli Mussels!

We had a serving of their Chilli Mussels (mild) and a basket of garlic bread! The price was about AUD 37 per serving. And everyone of us was entitled a glass of red wine. ;)

Chay's Blog
Chillies Mussels & wine

The garlic bread tastes good but the Chilli Mussels are not up to my expectation!