Friday, 27 April 2012

Day 11 of my working holiday life

今天在回家的路上,一下巴士路经一间屋子就听见狗吠声。我心里头喊着 ,‘不!千万不要跑出来!’话没完 ,一只hushpuppy就跑出来了,后跟随着另一头大狗!我的天啊!它们都直冲着我而来!这时,我告诉自己不能跑,要站‘定定’!祈祷着它们不会攻击我!那知道,它们越跑近,越吠越大声!本姑娘终于忍不住, ‘哇’的一声喊起来了!好怕呀!


p/s: 还以为这里的狗会很友善!自欺欺人!何时我才不会怕狗呢?! :p

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Day 1 of my working holiday life

5.40 am, I have landed in Perth! Wow! It means that I am going to start the working holiday that i have dreamt since July 2011.

It was pretty cold outside, i guess it's about 17 degree! My friend's sister picked me up from the airport to her house. I will be staying at her place for the next few days before i move to the new share house. Kind of tired because i couldn't sleep in the plane. I slept whole day after they all went out to work. ;p

At night, we had dinner at home with the rest of her housemates.

p/s: Friends of the day: Siew Ping, Edison and Giovanni

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

A day in Klinik Kesihatan

The medical cost in Oz is expensive. Thus I need to get some medicine before I depart. My friend (a doctor) has recommended me to go Klinik Kesihatan as I only need to pay RM1.

So I went to Klinik Kesihatan Kelana Jaya, along with his medical prescription. It was my first time! I thought i can settle everything before lunch! but things turn out unexpectedly, funny and worth worthing (^-^). I stayed there for about 5 hours. The reason is I am suspected of having TB... wahaha! cause i have been coughing for more than 3 weeks! Doctor asked me to go for a blood test and X-ray.

@ Registration counter and my number was 1083 
Checking blood pressure before being called by the doctor
waiting for Blood test and X-ray
But seriously, i am scared cause I will be leaving to OZ soon. What if I am diagnosed with TB... The result was out after 2 hours and it's negative. I am safe! Hehe... and I managed to get some medicine also.

@ Pharmacy... Finally I am here!
I called my friend and he said, ' see, how good is our klinik kesihatan! Blood test, x-ray and medicine only cost you RM1'.

Monday, 2 April 2012




Ash, Bee Peng, Vatsala, Michelle, Joey, Pauline and I
Andy, Dr, Steven, Kamal and I