Thursday, 29 March 2012

Translation of Driving License

Malaysian are allowed to drive in Australia with a valid Malaysian driving license. But You have to provide an acceptable translation of it.

I do not know whether I have the opportunity to drive in Australia or not. However, to make my life easier, I decided to find a certified translator to translate my driving license from Bahasa Malaysia to English.

And the cost of translating the document was a shock to me - RM80!!! Unexpected ...

Certified Translation of my driving license ;)

Monday, 26 March 2012

Never Give Up

Seriously, I am afraid of cold. But it's my dream to work in an alpine and I believe I can overcome it. Thus I have sent my resume to one of the famous alpine in Melbourne early March!

Unfortunately I received an email from my 'dream job' this morning. They have rejected my application! I was so so so disappointed! T_T

However I will not give up easily. I will keep sending my resume to others mountain.
Wish me LUCK    ^_^

Sunday, 25 March 2012






Saturday, 24 March 2012



原以为喝多一点Manuka Honey 及Vitamin C,可以让它自然地痊愈!那知道,还更变本加利了!看来这一只病毒实在是太强了!


p/s: 好想念家哦!只有妈妈好!可是不能回去,因为不想把病毒带回家!

Tuesday, 20 March 2012





Thursday, 15 March 2012



  1. Amcorp Mall 的韩国餐
  2. 韩国餐 - 烧烤式
  3. 日本餐 - Umaiya
  4. Kampung Subang 的螃蟹及烧鸡翼
  5. 五五的Asam鱼,烧肉及猪肚汤
  6. 芙蓉烧螃蟹
  7. Taman Bahagia 的Laksa及红豆水
  8. Uncle 的擂茶

p/s: 请不要笑我嘴馋哦!哈哈! Yummy Yummy!

Monday, 12 March 2012

Beauty and ugliness of humanity-Part 2

Yeah! I have gotten back my mini HP! The netbook was returned to HP service centre for repair under warranty! They have changed a new hard disk! I just need to pay my seller RM50 for bring the netbook to service centre(a bit expensive though)!

My mini HP is back!
But the most important thing is that my seller didn't cheat on me!

Friends, I have witnessed the beautiful part of Human Being! There are still a lot good people out there!!! haha...

p/s: To my dear mini HP, please be a 'good boy' from now on!

Saturday, 10 March 2012




除此之外,也要谢谢两位朋友‘慷慨解囊’- 一个愉快的晚餐(不是这么好吃的泰国餐)及Happy HoUr!
啤酒+Brownies (T.G.I.F)
p/s: 在此,本姑娘可要鸣谢当天‘包’我的人-小云& 伟立!哈哈!

A lovely dinner with best friends!

I was celebrating my birthday with two best friends yesterday! We went to Victoria Station as I have never tried that before. We had a very nice chat throughout the night. They brought me a very lovely birthday card (via air mail)!

Thanks babe, huoy, jaye, ting & yee!
My friend wanted to order spaghetti! but at the end... we were looking at each other when the food was served. Laugh of the day!

Spaghetti turns into chicken sausage! >_<
Anyway, I had a very good time with you! Thanks for the wishes! I will take care of myself while I am in OZ! Don't worry!

Taken 6 years ago! haha...
 p/s: We have known each other for more than 20 years already! Friendship Forever!

Thursday, 8 March 2012



One Piece - 已有15年了,还在出版着!
回想起中学时代,每两三天就会往书局去旷,借漫画或小说来看!什么类似的书都看,武侠小说 ,爱情小说,漫画等等!中四后,就没这么疯狂了,因为要准备SPM考试!好怀念那些没有烦恼的时光!



龟波气功拳 ^-^

p/s: 海贼王已出版了大概 650话!看来它会陪我度过当背包客的日子了!哈哈! 

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Beauty and ugliness of humanity - Part 1

Today I have 1 bad news & 1 good news to tell!

The bad news is I can't access to my netbook Window 7 and the good news is it still under 'warranty' (last day)! The screen shows that It can't be repair due to the hard disk has corrupted!

I called the seller and he asked me to bring it back to him so that he can check on it! Deep inside I was quite hesitated to send it back to him as he works from home! Secondly, he is not a Malaysian. I think he is from India or Pakistan cause he can speak very good English. The hard disk will cost me another RM280 if I send it to repair. Thus I choose to trust him by passing the netbook to him to take back home! But I managed to get his name and passport number!

Hopefully he won't let me down! God, please show me the beauty of humanity and not the ugliness of it!

Friday, 2 March 2012






‘温暖牌’好warm arr...

Thursday, 1 March 2012


试问这世间有多少人愿意诚实地面对自己!可以说并不是每个人都可以做到! 就算做到,也不是没一件事! 尤其是自己的过错!碍于面子问题,往往都会自欺欺人!世人啊,勇于面对自己吧!活在当下!Live in the moment!

p/s: 自己也不愿面对自己内心的感觉!如果有一天我可以告诉你,那就代表我已可以勇于面对自己了!