Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Day 190 of my working holiday life

Time really flies... i have been staying in Perth for about 6 months! Unbelievable huh... ><

Recently, i kept thinking about 'To stay' or 'to move on'. I wanted very much to celebrate new year eve in Sydney! But my boss asked me to stay during that period and i can work longer hours. In another words, i can earn more. Dilemma... i want to earn more for my next trip, but at the same time i dont feel like missing the chance to watch the fireworks in Sydney! What am i supposed to do?!!!

I think i have stayed enough in Perth! It's time to move on as backpacker again! Right?!!!


最近一直在思考到底该留还是走!本来打算,在悉尼过2013.01.01... 可是餐厅却在那时候缺人用,他们说会让我做长时间,赚多一点。我既想赚对一点旅费,可是也不想错失悉尼的烟花!真不知该如何取舍!


Ps: sunset in perth

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Day 184 of my working holiday life




Monday, 24 September 2012

Day 161 of my working holiday life

p/s: 春天到了,家路边的花好漂亮!

Day 143 of my working holiday life



Day 159 of my working holiday life

I finally cut my hair after 5 months here. My workmate was a hair styler in Malaysia! For your information, cutting hair in Australia is pretty expensive (around aud30) and She only charged me AUD 20.
Feel so fresh after cutting my hair ;)

very short huh!!!

Day 160 of my working holiday life

Today it's my best friend wedding! I feel so bad for not coming back to attend her wedding! I hope she will understand my difficulty! I miss them so much! We bought a sexy lingerie for her as her wedding present!
Hope she will like it!


forever friends, forever we"ll be!

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Day 132 of my working holiday life

第二天吃了早餐check out后,我们便起程到Lesueur National Park去看野花!春天的西澳,是野花生长的季节(wild flower festival)。据说,这个国家公园是西澳第二大的国家公园。


待了大约一小时,我们便离开了。之后,去了Jurien Bay 的码头,因为风景还蛮不错,所以便留下来拍照!有一个路人告诉我们说,今早还有海豚呢!可惜我们错过了!


p/s: 在回家的路上,看见了一片辽阔的草原,好多一粒粒的绵羊,美丽的黄昏(粉红及粉蓝的)。这一些的美丽都不是我的相机能捕捉到的!只能用我的眼及心把它烙印在脑海里!;)

Day 139 of my working holiday life

It's the 2nd day of September, Winter has finally overed... ;) Happy Father's Day also to Australian Father.

I have followed a friend and her family to a Botanic Park called Araluen Botanic Park. IThe park is about 35 minutes of driving from city.  The entry fees per person  is AUD4.

There are a lot picnic spots here but all of it has been taken up. Australian are really enjoying their life. ;)

The park is ablaze with the colour of massed plantings of tulips and other spring blooms.

I love the spring blooms very much!

 We headed home after 3hours as her baby was tired and sleepy. ;)

Monday, 3 September 2012

Day 131 of my working holiday life

朋友说她要去尖峰石阵(The Pinnacles) 拍结婚照,我当然也跟着去啦,可充当摄影师助理嘛!;p

尖峰石阵位于南邦国家公园(Nambung National Park)内,距离伯斯有180km。车程约3.5小时。在还未到达目的地之前,我们路经一个小镇叫Lancelin。这里有一个地方可以滑沙,叫Lancelin Sand Dunes。我们本想租滑板,大概AUD20两小时。可是为了省钱,我们决定用纸皮来代替。结果真糗,怎么滑也滑不下!哈哈!所以呢,奉劝要去的朋友们,租吧,可以share share 用啊!



之后,就去我们居住的背包客栈Pinnacle Beach Backpackers (Cervantes)。我们是4人一房,每人是AUD30。这里的环境还满干净及舒服。




Sunday, 19 August 2012

Day 113 of my working holiday life

Horray, My mom is coming over this October! I want my two brothers to come also but they coudn't make it this time. This is part of my wishes also! Anywhere, i will plan for the family trip again once i am back to Malaysia!

She will be coming with my friend! Hence, it's time for me to plan my 1 week holiday! Can't wait to see both of them!

Day 119 of my working holiday life

What a lovely Monday! The reason is 'I am not working'! haha...

Housemates and I decided to have dim sum again as our brunch! This time we went to another dim sum restaurant in city called Dragon Palace (龙门酒楼)! Their dim sum is better esp the char siew pau! hehe...

After that, we went to a beach called North beach. Housemate told me that this is the beach where we can catch abalon in December. Thinking to go... provided I were still in Perth December ;)


I felt down when 'chasing' by the water wave and housemate's left shoe and sock got wet!


We went to Hillary Boat Harbour and Ikea after that! The minimum cost of having a 2nd hand small boat is around AUD75,000. Wow... orang kaya!

Me and All my BOATS!!! ;p

Day 118 of my working holiday life




接下来可要介绍澳洲 一些代表性的动物咯,无尾熊(Koala),袋熊(Wombat)及负子鼠(possum)。










p/s: 我会在回来的!因为要带妈妈来!呵呵!

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Day 108 of my working holiday life




[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="经过包扎后的手"]image[/caption]

p/s: 现在的我有一点forbia了!**

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="回家路上的天空 *好特别*"]image[/caption]

Monday, 30 July 2012

Day 105 of my working holiday life

又到了day off 的一天了!好开心!可是却哪儿也不想去,因为我‘又’生病了!老毛病-喉咙痛紧接咳嗽!看来应该是吃太多煮炒及curry chicken吧 (餐厅包一餐)!所以呢,我决定乖乖待在家煮烘蛋糕!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="南瓜炖土豆"]image[/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="清炒杂菜"]image[/caption]


[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="奶油蛋糕及绿茶"]image[/caption]

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Day 102 of my working holiday life

今早一进餐厅老板就告诉我餐厅被人偷窃了!我还以为他开我玩笑呢!那知道去柜台一看,乱七八糟的!老板新买的两台tosihba pad(点餐用的)不见啦!我们辛辛苦苦的150的小费也没了!·好过份!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="107"]Image 案发现场[/caption]

老板报警后,还要等警察来套取指纹!本来还以为澳洲警察的办案效率应该比马来西亚的快吧,结果3小时候,以为女警才姗姗来迟!不过,却也让我见识了CSI Australia!呵呵!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="256"]Image CSI Australia ^^[/caption]


Thursday, 26 July 2012

Day 101 of my working holiday life


Monday, 16 July 2012

Day 91 of my working holiday life


Housemates brought me to a chinese restaurant in city for Dimsum! I ordered charsiew pao and egg tart as I wanted to eat long time ago! At the end, I miss dimsum in Malaysia! We paid almost aud20 per person.*expensive* Anyway, sometimes we need to pamper ourselves for working so hard! ^-^


[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="My favourite - Egg Tart"]image[/caption]

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Day 87 of my working holiday

I received a gift from my colleague today! The thing made from a small packet of 'rice'. It can keep my hand warm by putting the packet into a microwave for about 2 minutes. The heat can last for 5 mins. I need it very much especially this winter!


[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Elsie ’温暖牌‘小暖包"]image[/caption]

p/s: Sinus getting worse during winter! 好像要生病了!

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Day 76 of my working holiday life

1st of July...I woke up this morning and realized that it's going into the 2nd half of 2012. Time flies! >

I kept wondering what have I achieved in the first half of 2012! I couldn't think of one... It's kind of sad when come to this! But on 2nd thought, I have made a change to my life! Walked out from my comfort zone and stepped into a new environment
And i am kinda adapt to the life in Oz. Thus It can be considered as one of the achievement too! haha...

Hopefully I can achieve as many targets as possible in the 2nd half of 2012. Same goes to you! *Cheers*

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="A Lavender taken from my share house garden. Happy July! "]image[/caption]

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

New Blog @ wordpress

Dear Friends, I am having problem uploading picture in this blog since last month. Thus I have decided to change to other blog. Please follow me at http://chaychin.wordpress.com/

Thank you & see ya!

Day 67 of my working holiday life

My workplace is closed on every fortnight. Hence we decided to organise a BBQ at Kings Park.  We used the tips that given by customers. Wow... We have collected around AUD140 since opening of the restaurant (about 5 weeks only). This show how good is our service! *wink* *wink*

[caption id="attachment_160" align="aligncenter" width="300"] food & drinks for BBQ[/caption]

We headed to the destination at around 3pm after buying the food at Coles in Carousel Westfield. Fortunately, the weather was pretty good (cloudy & cool)!

[caption id="attachment_162" align="aligncenter" width="200"]Chay's Blog Time to BBQ~![/caption]

Chay's Blog

[caption id="attachment_168" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Chay's Blog Group photo with my colleagues![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_166" align="aligncenter" width="200"]Chay's Blog Crazy-ing time![/caption]

Chay's Blog

We went to Karaoke after the BBQ session. It has been planned for weeks ago! I think this karaoke session will be the most expensive that I have been so far. 15 AUD per person (2 hours) shhhh....

[caption id="attachment_169" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Chay's Blog Karaoke session @ Redbox Vic Park[/caption]