Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Day 190 of my working holiday life

Time really flies... i have been staying in Perth for about 6 months! Unbelievable huh... ><

Recently, i kept thinking about 'To stay' or 'to move on'. I wanted very much to celebrate new year eve in Sydney! But my boss asked me to stay during that period and i can work longer hours. In another words, i can earn more. Dilemma... i want to earn more for my next trip, but at the same time i dont feel like missing the chance to watch the fireworks in Sydney! What am i supposed to do?!!!

I think i have stayed enough in Perth! It's time to move on as backpacker again! Right?!!!


最近一直在思考到底该留还是走!本来打算,在悉尼过2013.01.01... 可是餐厅却在那时候缺人用,他们说会让我做长时间,赚多一点。我既想赚对一点旅费,可是也不想错失悉尼的烟花!真不知该如何取舍!


Ps: sunset in perth

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Day 184 of my working holiday life




Monday, 24 September 2012

Day 161 of my working holiday life

p/s: 春天到了,家路边的花好漂亮!

Day 143 of my working holiday life



Day 159 of my working holiday life

I finally cut my hair after 5 months here. My workmate was a hair styler in Malaysia! For your information, cutting hair in Australia is pretty expensive (around aud30) and She only charged me AUD 20.
Feel so fresh after cutting my hair ;)

very short huh!!!

Day 160 of my working holiday life

Today it's my best friend wedding! I feel so bad for not coming back to attend her wedding! I hope she will understand my difficulty! I miss them so much! We bought a sexy lingerie for her as her wedding present!
Hope she will like it!


forever friends, forever we"ll be!

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Day 132 of my working holiday life

第二天吃了早餐check out后,我们便起程到Lesueur National Park去看野花!春天的西澳,是野花生长的季节(wild flower festival)。据说,这个国家公园是西澳第二大的国家公园。


待了大约一小时,我们便离开了。之后,去了Jurien Bay 的码头,因为风景还蛮不错,所以便留下来拍照!有一个路人告诉我们说,今早还有海豚呢!可惜我们错过了!


p/s: 在回家的路上,看见了一片辽阔的草原,好多一粒粒的绵羊,美丽的黄昏(粉红及粉蓝的)。这一些的美丽都不是我的相机能捕捉到的!只能用我的眼及心把它烙印在脑海里!;)